Tickets - online only
High School Student-Athletes get in FREE to all home games (must show sports pass!)
Snyder ISD Staff get in FREE to all home games (must show school ID)
Watch or Listen from Home!
Watch: We realize some fans may not be able to attend games, but you still want to cheer on the Tigers! Games in the SHS Gym and SHS Tiger Stadium are broadcast when possible. Streaming information coming soon.
Listen: When available, Big Star Radio Group, broadcasts games. Listen on 101.5 KSNY or on the Big Star Radio Group App.
Field Access
Field access will be strictly limited to participants and individuals essential to the game.
Snyder High School promotes good sportsmanship by student-athletes, coaches and spectators. We request your cooperation by supporting the participants and officials in a positive manner. Profanity, racial or sexist comments, or other intimidating actions directed at officials, student-athletes, coaches, team representatives or fellow spectators will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from the site of competition.
Contact Us!
3901 Denison Ave, Snyder, Texas
Phone: 325-574-8830

Anthony Gonzales
Athletic Director / Head Football Coach

T'Leah Eicke-Jennings
Lady Tiger Coordinator/Head Coach

Christy Gonzales
Athletic Secretary
Athletic Programs
Snyder Junior High
Boys & Girls Basketball
Cross Country
Snyder High School
Boys & Girls Basketball
Boys & Girls Soccer
Cross Country
Download and complete the Pre-Participation Medical History Form BEFORE your appointment. Online form: www.uiltexas.org/files/athletics/PrePhysFormRvsd2.21.pdf.
Hard copies are also available in the Athletic Office or at Cogdell Family Clinic.
Set up an account in Rank One:
We have moved to a different program to manage forms called Rank One. It is a much easier program to navigate; only the parent needs to create an account, but the students will still need to sign the forms. Visit snyderisd.rankone.com to create an account.
If you have any questions about how to login to Rank One and complete these forms, please email Landry (landry.connell@snyderisd.net) or contact Christy at 325-574-8830.
Join SportsYou (contact your coach for team codes)
Read the Extracurricular Handbook
Watch the SISD Drug Policy Presentation
Attend Summer Workouts & Volunteer/Participate in Youth Camps
Questions? If you have additional questions regarding athletics, please email: athletics@snyderisd.net or call the athletic office at 325-574-8830. Go Tigers!