Snyder ISD has Registered Nurses and Licensed Vocational Nurses available at each campus. We welcome you to call us anytime with your questions. Our goal is to help kids stay as healthy as possible so they can get the most out of their experience at school.

Snyder High School Wendy Halmon

Snyder High School

Wendy Halmon, RN


Snyder Junior High School

Felicia Martinez, LVN


Snyder Intermediate School

Kim Hines, LVN


Snyder Primary School

Leslie Garza, RN


Snyder Primary School

Erica Aviles, LVN


Snyder Primary School

Lori Gryer, LVN


When should I keep my child home from school?

Please help us provide a healthy and safe environment for all students by observing the following when your child is ill. We encourage you to strongly consider keeping your child home if they appear to be ill. By sending your child to school if you are concerned they are not feeling well, you are potentially exposing other students and school staff to a communicable illness. This ripple effect exposes classmates and then their siblings and other family members to the illness. See Texas Administrative Code §97.7 Diseases Requiring Exclusion from Schools.

Please keep your child home and/or contact your child’s medical provider for:

  • Elevated temperature (100F or greater, taken by mouth).

  • Persistent cough- if your child is coughing continuously, he/she may not be able to concentrate or function during the school day and may disrupt others in the class.

  • Repeated vomiting and/or diarrhea within the last 24 hours, nausea, or severe abdominal pain.

  • Severe sore throat, possibly accompanied by fever, and feeling ill for more than 48 hours, or after exposure to strep throat infection.

  • Large amounts of mucous (liquid) from their nose, possibly accompanied with face pain or headache.

  • Red, inflamed or discharging eyes (conjunctivitis/"pink eye").

  • Suspected scabies, impetigo (honey-crusted sores around nose/mouth), acute skin rashes, eruptions, any skin lesion in the weeping stage, or any other infectious childhood condition.

  • Severe ear pain or fluid coming from the ear.

  • Severe headache, especially with fever.

  • Lethargic behavior.

Note: If your child frequently complains of headaches, stomachaches and/or does not feel well, it is advisable to consult your physician medical provider.

There will be times when it is difficult to tell when your child is too ill to go to school.  Like adults, children have different tolerances for discomfort and illness.  Even with a common cold, some are able to function fine while others are miserable.  If your child is coughing continuously, he or she may not be able to concentrate, and may disrupt others in the class.  A day of rest at home combined with lots of fluids speeds recovery.  If you decide to send your child to school when he/she is on the “borderline” of being ill, it is a good idea to call the school nurse or send a note to the teacher.  Be sure to let the school know where you can be contacted in case your child’s condition worsens.

If your child complains of headaches, stomachaches or frequently does not feel well, it is advisable to consult your physician.


Parents/guardians should return the medical referral given to them by the school nurse. The written documentation should contain a return to school date and a medical diagnosis.

  • Fever: the child must be fever free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medications such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, or others.

  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea: the child must be vomiting-free and/or diarrhea-free for 24 hours without using medications.

  • Blistery sores or unknown skin rash, especially accompanied by a fever: the child must have a medical provider’s clearance before returning to school.

  • Strep throat, pinkeye, ringworm, scabies, or impetigo: the child must have completed 24 hours of antibiotics, fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medications, and symptoms continue to improve.

Immunizations / Vaccinations

In order to protect the health of your student and others, immunizations are required to come to public school.  To learn more about which immunizations are required when, please review the guidelines on immunizations for public school from TDSHS (Texas Department of State Health Services).

Parents, did you know that you can see the vaccinations we have on file through Skyward?  

You can easily view which vaccines the nurse has on file for your student. If your child is missing a vaccine, please double-check with your primary care provider to see if they have any additional vaccine records on file. If not, 
make plans to schedule an appointment with them ASAP to get the necessary vaccines.  

Please email, call or send a ParentSquare message to your child's campus nurse with any questions! 

Click on your child's name.

Screenshot of Skyward

Select Health Info

Screenshot of Skyward

View the vaccines on file at the school

Screenshot of Skyward

Healthy Choices for Older Students

As part of overall health and wellness for students, Snyder ISD works with the AIM For Success program. Aim for Success helps young people make healthy choices that will give them freedom to reach their dreams and their goals. This program requires the parent's permission and currently offered in the 6th grade. This program covers:

  • Dreams and Goals

  • Emotional Hurts

  • Pregnancy

  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases

  • Failure Rates of Contraception

  • Sexting

  • Starting Over

  • How Far is Too Far?

View PDF outline for 6th grade version

View PDF outline for 6th grade version - Spanish

Nutrition & Hunger

The Snyder ISD Counseling Team & School Nurses work hard to identify children who may be struggling with hunger or have nutritional needs. According to We are Teachers There are millions of kids across the US dealing with food insecurity . Because their basic nutritional needs aren’t being met, these students are more likely to have behavior problems or become high school dropouts. Collaborating with the school and local assistance agencies, our staff works to connect families with the resources they need.

To view the SISD Health and Wellness plan, click here. If your family is struggling to afford food or has recently had a reduction in income, ask about the Free and Reduced Lunch Program. 

Mental Health & Wellness

School counselors support children’s journey of academic, emotional, and social success. School counselors collaborate with faculty, staff, students, parents, and the community on a comprehensive guidance and counseling program.  They meet with students throughout the year and are also available to meet with students when needed.  Please feel free to reach out to your students' school counselor any time by calling your child's' campus. 

School Counselor Resource Page

Mckinney-Vento: Homeless children and youth support

List of Available Resources in the Community

SHAC (Student Health Advisory Committee)

A SHAC is a group of individuals representing segments of the community, mandated by the Texas Education Code and appointed by the school district to serve at the district level, to provide advice to the district on coordinated school health programming and its impact on student health and learning. The SHAC assists the district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in the district's health education instruction. The SHAC Committee will conduct their work in accordance with Title 2, Chapter 28, Section 28.004 of the Texas Education Code. To learn more or volunteer, contact Kathy Scott at

SHAC Committee